Care amiche,
con il caldo di quest'estate sognavamo di andare in montagna ed infatti ci siamo organizzati per trascorre qualche giorno al fresco.
Siamo stati in Alto Adige dove abbiamo avuto occasione di visitare dei paesini stupendi.
Summer in the mountains
Dear friends,
with the heat of this summer's dreamed of going into the mountains and we arranged to spend a few days in a cool place.
We were in South Tyrol where we had the opportunity to visit the beautiful villages.
Nel nostro itinerario c’è stata anche la possibilità di visitare Innsbruck dove non ero mai stata e devo dire che mi ha letteralmente affascinata con le sue case così colorate ed eleganti, i balconi fioriti, i giardini curati in ogni piccolo dettaglio. Vi mostro qualche foto che sono riuscita a fare con difficoltà perché non vi dico quanta gente c’era per strada, si faceva fatica a camminare.
In our itinerary there was also the possibility of visiting Innsbruck where I had never been and I must say that I was fascinated with its houses so colorful, elegant, with flowered balconies and manicured gardens in every little detail.
In our itinerary there was also the possibility of visiting Innsbruck where I had never been and I must say that I was fascinated with its houses so colorful, elegant, with flowered balconies and manicured gardens in every little detail.
I show you a few pictures that I was able to do with difficulty because they don’t tell you how many people
there were on the street, it was hard to.
Infine voglio mostrarvi questo simpaticissimo cartello che era all’interno di una casa … non potevo non fotografarlo.
Finally I want to show you this nice sign that was inside a House ... I could not photograph.
a presto
Stupendo l'Alto Adige!
RispondiEliminaanche io sono stata a Innsbruck, e mi è piaciuto moltissimo :)
un bacione!
Ciao Giulia,
Eliminagrazie del tuo commento :-)